Volume XXII, Issue 1 - February 2025

Don’t just sit there reading brochures; do something. We’re here to help. Please contact us.

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“Y’all are my favorite show! Please keep the information flowing!”

Stephan Wesch, Technical Anodizing Specialist

Feature Article

Work with Sales Reps to Optimize Cleaning

Barbara Kanegsberg and Ed Kanegsberg, BFK Solutions

Developing a new cleaning process or changing an existing one involves working with providers of cleaning equipment and cleaning agents. The sales representative is typically the main contact. To work with reps successfully, we will outline what makes for a terrific sales rep. Then, we’ll explain why you, in product manufacturing, critical cleaning, and surface prep, are also sales reps. This may seem counterintuitive; the first impulse is to say: the rep has to sell things to me. In fact, if you are in Engineering, R&D, Quality, Validation, Health/Safety, Production, or Management, if your task is to choose equipment or cleaning agents to improve quality and performance of your company’s manufactured products, you are a sales rep. Become a rep for your company, and work with vendor reps from a base of power and understanding. Read on, and discover how to achieve effective, efficient, and more sustainable cleaning process.

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Why there was no January 2025 issue of Clean Source

BFK Solutions has an excellent excuse: The fire ate our homework! Yup, we were just down the hill from Ground Zero of the California Palisades Fire on January 7. With very little notice, we had to get the heck out. Our home, our offices are now ashes and rubble - like they’ve gone through heat treatment. We should write about fire safety! Fortunately, we have re-established in the West San Fernando Valley and are up and running. Our email addresses and cell phones remain the same, but our mailing address is now 23333 Arminta St., West Hills, CA 91304. Please contact us with questions about critical cleaning. We would also appreciate any digitized images of us or (even better) us and you.

Barbara: 310-344-2061 barbara@bfksolutions.com

Ed: 310-614-7111 ed@bfksolutions.com

Kanegsbergs to Address Cleaning Validation Summit

No one wants creeping residue! The Cleaning Lady and the Rocket Scientist are pleased and proud to be part of an impressive line-up of speakers at the 2025 Cleaning Validation Summit. We will discuss “Creeping Residue on Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Contact Surfaces — Managing the Unknown.” Ed and Barb Kanegsberg will talk about post-validation changes that can result in undesirable and unknown residue on medical devices, on vessels/reactors and product contact surfaces. The program, sponsored by PharmaED, will take place on Mar. 10-11, 2025, in La Jolla, CA. For a 10% discount, contact Kim Hubbard ( khubbard@pharmaedresources.com ) and say, “Barbara sent me.”

More information

Revolutionary! Hands-On Cleaning Workshop in Cleveland

Make interaction with sales reps illuminating - not ambiguous. Streamline your quest for a better cleaning process. Spend one intensive day at our Hands-On Cleaning Workshop. PQCW (Product Quality Cleaning Workshop) instructors Darren Williams, Ed Kanegsberg, and Barb Kanegsberg replace individual presentations with your hands-on exercises. We also get you out on the PMTS show floor, using efficient techniques that let you come away not just with swag but also with actionable information. Immense thanks to Eco-Clean, Hubbard-Hall, Jomesa, and Kyzen for sponsoring the workshop and trusting us to teach non-commercially and to Pro-Ultrasonics for providing cleaning equipment. To all manufacturers: Do it; learn it. Achieve rugged, cost-effective cleaning processes. Register now; space is limited.

Workshop Details and Registration

BFK Solutions. – independent consultants and practical educators

Our decades of experience help you make productive decisions about your cleaning processes, your manufacturing processes, your business. Contact Ed and Barbara Kanegsberg with concerns about cleaning, surface quality, regulatory issues - we’ll get back to you and discuss your cleaning issue, whether or not we do a project together! Suggest a topic – we may write about it! 

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